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Environments and how they affect our Wellbeing

Whether we know it or not, the environments we surround ourselves with greatly affect our personal wellbeing emotionally and sometimes physically. Certain aspects of a room can either motivate you or lead you to feel lazy. This means that there are bad environments, places or circumstances that don’t benefit us and we might not even realise it. This article will be giving three examples of good environments you can put yourself in and briefly describing what a non-beneficial environment is.

Putting yourself in an environment that makes you feel positive and comfortable is very important. Research studies reveal that rooms with bright light which are both natural and artificial, can improve depression and anxiety. This is a great example of how significantly your emotional and mental wellbeing can be affected by simple things such as lighting. Therefore, places that you spend most of your time by yourself should be able to provide you with just that. A good example of a room you may spend most of your solitary time is your bedroom. Using brighter lights and keeping the area tidy will improve your mood and how comfortable and motivated you are in your personal space. This then leads to you feeling more relaxed when out in a social environment.

image by Dina Belenko

Social environments are a big part of most people’s lives. Whether it’s work, school, or friends and family, we often find ourselves in a social situation. This also means that we need to know how to recognise whether it’s a healthy social environment. Surrounding yourself with people who are genuine and have your best interests in mind is the best way to start. Don’t put yourself in a position where the people you’re being social with are not beneficial for your wellbeing. In the end we need to look out for ourselves. It may sound selfish but we need to make sure we are living our best lives with people who want the same for you.

Recognising what places best relax you or give you space to think is very important. If we are constantly put in environments and circumstances that are stressful, crowded or busy it can lead to things like anxiety or just genuine stress. Finding a place where you can take a breath should be a high priority. Whether this place is at home, a park, café etc.

Overall, we should be looking out for ourselves, making sure we’re happy and surrounded with people and places that achieve just that. Having the ability to recognise when an environment or situation isn’t beneficial for our wellbeing and being able to remove ourselves from it is a very helpful skill.

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